UserName: shopifydev Temporary Password: Admin@123 Pool Id ap-southeast-1_e3Vf2hVfB AppClientID: 117p6d2oeohsfgm5sbmberkotr61074 Email: 'aws' => [ 'region' => 'us-west-2', 'version' => 'latest', 'credentials' => [ 'key' => '', 'secret' => '' ], 'cognito' => [ 'app_client_id' => '', 'user_pool_id' => '' ], 'cognito_api' => [ 'app_client_id' => '', 'user_pool_id' => '' ] ] UserName: shopifydev Temporary Password: Admin@123 Pool Id ap-southeast-1_e3Vf2hVfB AppClientID: 117p6d2oeohsfgm5sbmberkotr 'columnDefs': [ { 'orderData':[0], 'targets': [3] } ], 'columnDefs': [ { 'orderData':[0], 'targets': [3] }, { 'targets': [0], 'visible': false, 'searchable': false }], Hi Shopify Support Team, I need to confirm few things before I submit my public app for review process. Can I save the card details of the customers who install my app from shopify marketplace. Because my app is related to donation and charities. And it will be a free public app over marketplace. I need to collect the payment of charities that has been made through the end customer who donated while making an order purchase. I will add all terms & conditions and policies while publishing the app so that customer who install my app would know that we are saving his card details for a specific reason. Or Is there any other alternate that I can get the all payment of the charities from a store in my account details with the help of api like subscription api available for public apps. Please help me in this as ealry as possible.